Visa Claims Resolution (VCR)- What is this all about?
Visa has been working hard to create the most streamlined methods for a cardholder to resolve any dispute with any merchant at any time.
In an effort to put the cardholder at the front of the process with greater chance of resolution in their favor,
Visa brings 5 distinct changes to the dispute arena in order to speed up the resolution in a more streamlined fashion
The time frame for merchant response will be shortened from 45 days to 30 days
Certain invalid chargebacks will be rejected automatically before processing
All cases will be routed through one of two workflow tracks depending upon type
Currently there are 22 reason codes, Visa will consolidate those into four basic dispute categories.
What does this mean for you?
As an eCommerce merchant, basically it means that any challenge from a cardholder will be awarded to the cardholder. VCR updates
chargeback processing for the eCommerce merchants by applying automated tools to improve resolution speed and filter fraudulent
chargebacks from the system.
VCR has a planned roll out globally on April 13, 2018 and is mandatory for all merchants, issuers and acquirers worldwide.
VCR is designed as a liability based system. What this means is that VCR will automatically assign liability in as many cases as possible.
In order to simplify the current 22 chargeback reason codes, Visa has consolidated them into four categories. Fraud, Authorization,
Processing Errors and Consumer Disputes.
Through VROL, Visa will run automated checks on the filed dispute confirming that it falls within regulated timeframes and that no previous refund has been issued. If any dispute case gets through the initial automated checks liability will automatically be
assigned to the merchant!!!
The new regulations mean that merchants will be limited in their ability to respond... Making it more
important than ever to use an independent service to guarantee your customer’s receive a refund quickly and with no hassles and
no merchant attempt to downsell.
Visa's new Merchant purchase Inquiry is a plug in for the VROL platform, allowing merchants to
input transaction information such as purchase information, digital receipt or other details. or simply issue a customer credit.
This is available for any customer inquiry the merchant receives that is not blocked. This also allows Visa to collect and track at a direct
merchant level, all the details related to every dispute, including those that are blocked.
This level of data collection is not always in the best interest of the merchant
Enroll in ICAN today, get ahead of the regulation changes or call 1-833-VISA VCR (1-833-847-2827)